Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Recreate Soft Link / Symbolic Link after cloning from production database

After the non-Production instances (DEV, QA, TEST, etc) are refreshed, you may have noticed that the symbolic links, that are used for host program files, get overwritten by Production links and are still pointing to Production locations. To have the links work for that instance, you will have to delete the old symbolic links and recreate them.
Below is a bash shell script which can be run anywhere in UNIX. I would save the file as "xxrl_recreate_symlinks.sh" and execute as follow: 
%> ./xxrl_recreate_symlinks.sh
Please make sure the following are completed before you run the script:
1) File is executable:
%> chmod 777 xxrl_recreate_symlinks.sh
2) The .env file sets the $XX_TOP for that instance based on your company custom top.
## File Name         : xxrl_recreate_symlinks.sh
## File Location     : $XXRL_TOP/bin
## Created By        :
## Creation Date     : June 21, 2014
## Description       : This program deletes the old Symbolic Links that are copied over from
##                      PROD refresh, then recreates them for that instance. If no *.prog
##                      files found, the program simply exists.
## Program Language  : Shell Script
## Specific Module   : Generic for all modules
## Create SymLink    : %> chmod 755 xxrl_data_ldr.prog
##                     %> ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr xxrl_data_ldr
## Execute Command   : %> ./xxrl_recreate_symlinks.sh
## Modification History :  (Date,  Version, Programmer, Change Description)

##-- set these variables based on user preference
customTop=$XX_TOP         ##-- this is based on company's custom top
##-- set these variables based on user preference
fileExt="prog"            ##-- usually .prog file in Oracle
debugMode='N'             ##-- use 'Y' if you need to display everything
##-- set up local variables based on previous ones
echo ' '
echo binDir=$binDir
##-- go to BIN directory first
cd $binDir
if [ "$debugMode" = 'Y' ]; then
##-- get the number of symbolic link files from BIN dir
fileListCnt=`ls *.${fileExt} | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//' | wc -l`
echo "${fileExt} File Count $fileListCnt"
echo ' '
##-- if 1 or more files found in the BIN directory,
##-- then, get the symbolic link files from BIN directory
if [ $fileListCnt -gt 0 ]; then
  fileList=`ls *.${fileExt} | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`
  for fileName in ${fileList};
    ##-- check if the file exists and is a symbolicLink
    if [ $debugMode = 'Y' ]; then
      echo "SymbolicLink fileName="$fileName
    ##-- check if the file exists and is a symbolicLink
    if [[ -f "$fileName" && -L "$fileName" ]]; then
      ##-- first, remove the SymbolicLink file
      echo "  Deleting SymbolicLink $fileName"
      rm $fileName
      if [ $retCode != 0 ]; then
        echo "File $fileName was not removed. Please re-verify."
      ##-- Recreating SymbolicLink file
      echo "  Recreating SymbolicLink for $fileName.$fileExt"
      ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $fileName
      if [ $retCode != 0 ]; then
        echo "SymbolicLink $fileName was not created. Please check the .prog file."
    ##-- if the file is not a SymbolicLink, show err msg
      echo "  $fileName is NOT a symlink"
    echo ' '
  echo "No SymbolicLink files found"
  echo "Exiting the program"

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