--This query extracts all merchandise sales order lines belonging to
--sales orders that have at least one line pending fulfillment
--Part 1: Selects lines with no delivery id, i.e. not ready for release yet
SELECT h.order_number
,o.NAME org
,o.TYPE org_type
,m.segment1 sku
,TO_DATE(l.request_date, 'DD-MM-YY')
,TO_DATE(l.schedule_ship_date, 'DD-MM-YY')
,l.ship_to_org_id ship_to_org
,l.flow_status_code status
,NULL released_status
,l.attribute7 paid_flag
,l.attribute3 timeslot
,l.return_attribute3 return_method
FROM oe_order_headers_all h
,oe_order_lines_all l
,hr_organization_units o
,mtl_system_items_b m
,(SELECT shp_site_use.site_use_id invoice_to_org_id
,DECODE(hp.person_last_name, NULL, hp.party_name, hp.person_last_name) last_name
,NULL, DECODE(hp.person_first_name, NULL, '', hp.person_first_name)
, lv.meaning || ' ' || hp.person_first_name) first_name
, DECODE(cp.phone_area_code, NULL, '', cp.phone_area_code || '-')
|| cp.phone_number
|| DECODE(cp.phone_extension, NULL, '', ' x' || cp.phone_extension) phone
FROM hz_locations shipaddr
,hz_party_sites shp_party_site
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all shp_acct_site
,hz_cust_site_uses_all shp_site_use
,hz_parties hp
,fnd_lookup_values_vl lv
,hz_contact_points cp
WHERE shp_site_use.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
AND shp_site_use.cust_acct_site_id = shp_acct_site.cust_acct_site_id
AND shp_acct_site.party_site_id = shp_party_site.party_site_id
AND shipaddr.location_id = shp_party_site.location_id
AND shp_party_site.party_id = hp.party_id
AND lv.lookup_type(+) = 'CONTACT_TITLE'
AND lv.lookup_code(+) = hp.person_pre_name_adjunct
AND cp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND cp.owner_table_id(+) = shp_party_site.party_id
AND cp.status(+) = 'A'
AND cp.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
AND cp.contact_point_type(+) = 'PHONE') partyname
WHERE TRUNC(l.schedule_ship_date) > '20-MAR-2012'
AND h.header_id = l.header_id
AND l.ship_from_org_id =
SELECT h.order_number
,o.NAME org
,o.TYPE org_type
,m.segment1 sku
,TO_DATE(l.request_date, 'DD-MM-YY')
,TO_DATE(l.schedule_ship_date, 'DD-MM-YY')
,l.ship_to_org_id ship_to_org
,l.flow_status_code status
,NULL released_status
,l.attribute7 paid_flag
,l.attribute3 timeslot
,l.return_attribute3 return_method
FROM oe_order_headers_all h
,oe_order_lines_all l
,hr_organization_units o
,mtl_system_items_b m
,(SELECT shp_site_use.site_use_id invoice_to_org_id
,DECODE(hp.person_last_name, NULL, hp.party_name, hp.person_last_name) last_name
,NULL, DECODE(hp.person_first_name, NULL, '', hp.person_first_name)
, lv.meaning || ' ' || hp.person_first_name) first_name
, DECODE(cp.phone_area_code, NULL, '', cp.phone_area_code || '-')
|| cp.phone_number
|| DECODE(cp.phone_extension, NULL, '', ' x' || cp.phone_extension) phone
FROM hz_locations shipaddr
,hz_party_sites shp_party_site
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all shp_acct_site
,hz_cust_site_uses_all shp_site_use
,hz_parties hp
,fnd_lookup_values_vl lv
,hz_contact_points cp
WHERE shp_site_use.site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
AND shp_site_use.cust_acct_site_id = shp_acct_site.cust_acct_site_id
AND shp_acct_site.party_site_id = shp_party_site.party_site_id
AND shipaddr.location_id = shp_party_site.location_id
AND shp_party_site.party_id = hp.party_id
AND lv.lookup_type(+) = 'CONTACT_TITLE'
AND lv.lookup_code(+) = hp.person_pre_name_adjunct
AND cp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND cp.owner_table_id(+) = shp_party_site.party_id
AND cp.status(+) = 'A'
AND cp.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
AND cp.contact_point_type(+) = 'PHONE') partyname
WHERE TRUNC(l.schedule_ship_date) > '20-MAR-2012'
AND h.header_id = l.header_id
AND l.ship_from_org_id =