Friday, February 19, 2010

hr_personal_pay_method_api.create_personal_pay_method usage


Module: - HRMS
Application Version: - 11i

Note: - If you are testing the script directly from sqlplus or toad etc then you need to populate the record in FND_SESSION and use the script.
  l_personal_payment_method_id number;
  l_external_account_id        number;
  l_object_version_number      number;
  l_effective_start_date       date;
  l_effective_end_date         date;
  l_comment_id                 number;
  (p_validate                      => FALSE
  ,p_effective_date                => SYSDATE
  ,p_assignment_id                 => 697
  ,p_run_type_id                   => null
  ,p_org_payment_method_id         => 82
  ,p_amount                        => 1500
  ,p_percentage                    => null
  ,p_priority                      => 2
  ,p_comments                      =>'Created From API Third Time'
  ,p_attribute_category            => null
  ,p_attribute1                    => null
  ,p_attribute2                    => null
  ,p_attribute3                    => null
  ,p_attribute4                    => null
  ,p_attribute5                    => null
  ,p_attribute6                    => null
  ,p_attribute7                    => null
  ,p_attribute8                    => null
  ,p_attribute9                    => null
  ,p_attribute10                   => null
  ,p_attribute11                   => null
  ,p_attribute12                   => null
  ,p_attribute13                   => null
  ,p_attribute14                   => null
  ,p_attribute15                   => null
  ,p_attribute16                   => null
  ,p_attribute17                   => null
  ,p_attribute18                   => null
  ,p_attribute19                   => null
  ,p_attribute20                   => null
  ,p_territory_code                =>'SA'
  ,p_segment1                      =>'RIYADH BANK'       -- BANK Name(LOOK UP CODE,LOV Based on look ups).
  ,p_segment2                      =>'ABC BRANCH2,RIYAD' -- Bank Branch(Free text)
  ,p_segment3                      =>'API ACCOUNT NAME'  -- Bank Account (Free text)
  ,p_segment4                      =>'123456710'         -- Account No.(Free Text)
  ,p_segment5                      =>'API ACCOUNT TYPE'  -- Account type(Free Text)
  ,p_segment6                      => null
  ,p_segment7                      => null
  ,p_segment8                      => null
  ,p_segment9                      => null
  ,p_segment10                     => null
  ,p_segment11                     => null
  ,p_segment12                     => null
  ,p_segment13                     => null
  ,p_segment14                     => null
  ,p_segment15                     => null
  ,p_segment16                     => null
  ,p_segment17                     => null
  ,p_segment18                     => null
  ,p_segment19                     => null
  ,p_segment20                     => null
  ,p_segment21                     => null
  ,p_segment22                     => null
  ,p_segment23                     => null
  ,p_segment24                     => null
  ,p_segment25                     => null
  ,p_segment26                     => null
  ,p_segment27                     => null
  ,p_segment28                     => null
  ,p_segment29                     => null
  ,p_segment30                     => null
/** sbilling **/
  ,p_concat_segments               => null
  ,p_payee_type                    => null
  ,p_payee_id                      => null
  ,p_ppm_information1              => null
  ,p_ppm_information2              => null
  ,p_ppm_information3              => null
  ,p_ppm_information4              => null
  ,p_ppm_information5              => null
  ,p_ppm_information6              => null
  ,p_ppm_information7              => null
  ,p_ppm_information8              => null
  ,p_ppm_information9              => null
  ,p_ppm_information10             => null
  ,p_ppm_information11             => null
  ,p_ppm_information12             => null
  ,p_ppm_information13             => null
  ,p_ppm_information14             => null
  ,p_ppm_information15             => null
  ,p_ppm_information16             => null
  ,p_ppm_information17             => null
  ,p_ppm_information18             => null
  ,p_ppm_information19             => null
  ,p_ppm_information20             => null
  ,p_ppm_information21             => null
  ,p_ppm_information22             => null
  ,p_ppm_information23             => null
  ,p_ppm_information24             => null
  ,p_ppm_information25             => null
  ,p_ppm_information26             => null
  ,p_ppm_information27             => null
  ,p_ppm_information28             => null
  ,p_ppm_information29             => null
  ,p_ppm_information30             => null
  ,p_personal_payment_method_id    =>l_personal_payment_method_id
  ,p_external_account_id           =>l_external_account_id
  ,p_object_version_number         =>l_object_version_number
  ,p_effective_start_date          =>l_effective_start_date
  ,p_effective_end_date            =>l_effective_end_date
  ,p_comment_id                    =>l_comment_id
  dbms_output.put_line('PERSONAL PAYMENT METHOD ID : '||l_personal_payment_method_id);
  dbms_output.put_line('EXTERNAL ACCOUNT ID: '||l_external_account_id);