Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oracle Sales Compensation 11i Calculation Statuses

1. Q: If a transaction has a Calculation Status of Unprocessed what setups should be checked?
A transaction that has a status of 'Unprocessed' has failed to classify due to an invalid Classification Rules package or because there is no Ruleset with the Ruleset Type of Revenue Classification.
Things to check:
  • Make sure that the Ruleset is synchronized.  Run the following SQL to determine which, if any, of the classification rules packages are invalid.
                select object_name, object_type
                from dba_objects
                where status <> 'VALID'
                and owner = 'APPS'
                and object_name like 'CN_CLSFN%'
  • If there are invalid classification rules packages, attempt to recompile them manually.  If there are errors in the recompilation process, use the following SQL to find these errors.
select *
from user_errors
where name like '%&Classification_rules_package_name%'
  • The most common reason for a classification rules package to remain INVALID is because of the column_datatype of the attribute column being used to classify a transaction.  For example, if an attribute column or a mapped column has a datatype of CHAR, (as defined in the Tables and Columns form) and a rule uses a number as its value, a conflict occurs.  This conflict will allow the Classification Ruleset to Synchronize, but will prevent the classification rules package from compiling.

2. Q: If a transaction has a Calculation Status of Failed Classification what setups should be checked?
The Classification process identifies the Revenue Class for each transaction based on the Transaction Attributes and Classification Rules that users define.  The Classification Rules package consists of nested if-then-else clauses. It starts from the top most rule, if the conditions for a rule are met, it moves to the Child Rule. If the conditions of the Child Rule are not met, the transaction will classify to the Parent Rule.  Otherwise, the Transaction Attributes will be compared to the next rule at the same level. If no rule is matched, transaction will be marked as 'XCLS' (Failed Classification).
Things to check:
  • Check the Attributes that are used by the Classification Rules, Classification Rules and Rules Hierarchy.
  • Make sure that the values entered for the Attributes match the vales for the Rule Attributes in the Classification Rules.  This is case sensitive.
  • Make sure the Classification Ruleset is synchronized.
  • Make sure that the Classification Rule has a Revenue Class assigned to it.

3. Q: If a transaction has a Calculation Status of Failed Rollup what setups should be checked?
The Rollup process determines all salespeople who should receive credit for a transaction. For each Direct Salesrep's transaction, if Compensation Group information is not on the transaction, OSC will try to find out which Compensation Group the Salesrep belongs to on the processed date. If no Compensation Group is found, the transactions will be marked as 'XROLL' (Failed Rollup).  If more than one Compensation Group is found, the transactions will be marked as 'XROLL' unless the profile "OSC: MULTI_ROLLUP_PATH is set to ?Y? (not Yes, or y).
Things to check:
  • Make sure the Salesrep on the transaction is assigned to a Compensation Group.
  • Check to see if the Salesrep on the transaction belongs to more than one Compensation Group.  If so, the profile "OSC: MULTI_ROLLUP_PATH must be set to ?Y? (not Yes, or y).
  • Make sure that the Sales Compensation Role that is assigned to the Salesrep has either the Member or Manager box checked.
  • Check to see if the Salesrep?s Compensation Plan has more than one Plan Element assigned the same Revenue Class. If so, the profile "OSC: MULTI_ROLLUP_PATH must be set to ?Y? (not Yes, or y).

4. Q: If a transaction has a Calculation Status of Failed Population what setups should be checked?
The Population process identifies the Plan Element that a transaction should be assigned to based on the Revenue Class that was identified for the transaction in the Classification phase.  If OIC fails to find a Plan Element, the transaction will be marked as 'XPOP' (Failed Population). If more than one Plan Element is identified based on the Revenue Class, the first matched plan element will be assigned. For other Plan Elements matched, new transactions will be created for each matched Plan Element.
Things to check:
  • Make sure that the Revenue Class that the transaction was assigned is included in the Revenue Class Hierarchy for the Hierarchy Interval that the transaction falls within.
  • Make sure that the Revenue Class that the transaction was assigned is assigned to at least one Plan Element that is included in the Salesreps Compensation Plan.
  • Make sure that the Sales Compensation Role that is assigned to the Salesrep has either the Member or Manager box checked.
  • Make sure the Salesreps Sales Compensation Role is a Group Member role for the date of the transaction.
  • Make sure that the Group your Salesrep is assigned to has the usage of Sales Compensation.

5. Q: If a transaction has a Calculation Status of Failed Calculation what setups should be checked?
The Calculation process calculates commission based on the Calculation Rules (defined in Plan Elements). Calculation Rules include Commission Rate (defined in the Rate Table), Accelerator: Payment factor, Quota factor, Transaction factor, Accumulation or Non-Accumulation, Split or Non-Split, Interval-to-Date Quota or Annual Quota Individual or Group By. If OIC is unable to calculate the commission for the transaction, the transaction will be marked as 'XCALC' (Failed Calculation).
Things to check:
  • Make sure the value passed to the Rate Table from the Input Expression is included in the Rate Table.  (To prevent this problem always make the first tier of the rate dimension 0 to X instead of starting it as X to 10000, for example)
  • Make sure that no values in the Formula are divided by zero.
  • Make sure that all columns used in the Formula to calculate are populated for the transaction.

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