To create install base for an item you need to run the Install base creation program.
EX: "COFI IB Creation"
For cross checking we can use the below query to find whether install base is created for a particular sales order.
select * from csi.csi_item_instances
where last_oe_order_line_id IN (
select line_id from oe_order_lines_all
where header_id IN (
select header_id from oe_order_headers_all
where order_number = '1560102'));
With the following query, we can findout if there is any error with the transaction.
select * from csi.CSI_TXN_ERRORS where TRANSACTION_ID IN (SELECT transaction_id--, trx_source_line_id
FROM mtl_material_transactions
WHERE trx_source_line_id IN (select line_id from oe_order_lines_all
where header_id IN (select header_id from oe_order_headers_all
where order_number = '1560102'))
AND transaction_type_id = 33)
If there is no error for this transaction then it may be in the Interface table. TO put the record from the Interface table to the base table. We can run the
following PRogram
Concurrent PRogram Name: Resubmit Interface Process
responsibility--> cofi install base admin
If there is any error in the error table then we need to clear the log and we need to run the above program.
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