Thursday, March 04, 2010

To Get Installbase Details

t oeh.order_number "Order Number"

,oeh.ordered_date "Order Date"

--- ,hzp.party_number "Party"

--- ,hzp.party_name "Party Name"

,oel.line_number "Order Line"

,msi.segment1 "Item Sku"

,msi.description "Item Description"

,msi.inventory_item_status_code "Item Type"

--,msi.item_type "Item Type"

,oel.ordered_quantity "Ordered Qty"

,oel.fulfilled_quantity "Fulfilled Qty"

--,oel.cancelled_quantity "Cancelled Qty"

--,oeh.shipping_method_code "Header Shipping Method"

--,oel.shipping_method_code "Line Shipping Method"

,oel.fulfillment_date "Fulfillment Date"

, "Store"

,oel.unit_selling_price "Unit Selling Price"

--- ,jre.source_name "Sales Associate"

--,oel.subinventory "Sub-Inventory"

from oe_order_lines_all oel

,oe_order_headers_all oeh

,hr_all_organization_units hao

,mtl_system_items_b msi

---,hz_cust_site_uses_all hzsu

---,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzas

---,hz_party_sites hzps

---,hz_parties hzp

---,jtf_rs_resource_extns jre

where 1=1

and oeh.header_id = oel.header_id

and oel.item_type_code = 'STANDARD'

and oel.line_category_code = 'ORDER'

and oel.flow_status_code = 'CLOSED'

and oeh.order_type_id=1008

and oel.ship_from_org_id = hao.organization_id

---and oeh.shipping_method_code = '000001_Customer_P_CARRY'

and msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id

and msi.organization_id = 22


---and hzsu.site_use_id = oel.ship_to_org_id

---and hzas.cust_acct_site_id = hzsu.cust_acct_site_id

---and hzps.party_site_id = hzas.party_site_id

---and hzp.party_id = hzps.party_id

---and jre.resource_id(+) = to_number(oeh.attribute6)

--and jre.resource_id(+) = oel.salesrep_id

and not exists (select 1

from csi.csi_item_instances cii

where ---cii.accounting_class_code = 'CUST_PROD'

---and cii.instance_status_id not in (1,5)

cii.last_oe_order_line_id = oel.line_id)

/*and not exists (select 1

from oe_order_lines_all oel2

where oel.header_id = oel2.header_id

and oel.line_id = oel2.reference_line_id

and oel2.item_type_code = 'STANDARD'

and oel2.line_category_code = 'RETURN')*/

and oeh.ordered_date > '01-JAN-2008'

--and trunc(oeh.ordered_date) between '01-DEC-2006' and '31-DEC-2006'

--and oeh.order_number in ('832705','835744','876984')

--and msi.inventory_item_id = cii.inventory_item_id

--and msi.organization_id = 22

--and hp.party_id = cii.owner_party_id

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