Sunday, December 20, 2015

Item Overhead Cost

  mthd.cost_mthd_code ,
  mtl_parameters mp,
  gmf_period_statuses gms,
  gmf_calendar_assignments gca,
  cm_mthd_mst mthd
WHERE crd.organization_id= mp.organization_id
  AND gca.cost_type_id            = mthd.cost_type_id
AND mp.organization_code = :P_ORG_CODE
    AND crd.legal_entity_id         = gca.legal_entity_id
        AND gca.calendar_code           = gms.calendar_code
AND gms.period_id        =crd.period_id
AND gms.legal_entity_id  =crd.legal_entity_id
AND gms.period_code      = TO_CHAR(to_date(:P_PERIOD,'MON-YY'), 'MMYY') ;

OPM Item Standard Cost Query

SELECT msib.segment1 item_code,
  msib.description item_desc,
  msib.primary_unit_of_measure uom,
  xop.period_code cost_period,
  cmm.cost_mthd_code cost_type,
  ccmv.cost_cmpntcls_code cost_component_class,
  ccd.cost_analysis_code analysis_code,
  SUM(CMPNT_COST) unit_cost
FROM apps.CM_CMPT_DTL ccd ,
  apps.mtl_system_items_b msib ,
  apps.mtl_parameters mp ,
  apps.CM_MTHD_MST cmm,
  gmf_period_statuses xop,
  CM_CLDR_DTL cal,
  CM_CMPT_MST_VL ccmv,
  mtl_item_categories_v mic,
  mtl_category_sets_v mcs
WHERE msib.inventory_item_id=ccd.inventory_item_id
AND msib.inventory_item_id  =mic.inventory_item_id
AND msib.organization_id    =mic.organization_id
AND mcs.category_set_id     = mic.category_set_id
AND mic.segment1           IN ('RM','PKG')
AND ccmv.cost_cmpntcls_id   = ccd.cost_cmpntcls_id
AND cal.period_code         =xop.period_code
AND msib.organization_id    =ccd.organization_id
AND cmm.cost_type_id        =ccd.cost_type_id
AND mp.organization_id      = ccd.organization_id
AND cmm.cost_mthd_code      ='STANDARD'
AND mp.organization_code    =:P_ORG_CODE
AND ccd.period_id           =xop.period_id
AND ccd.delete_mark         =0
AND xop.period_code         = TO_CHAR( to_date(:P_PERIOD,'MON-YY'),'MMYY')
GROUP BY msib.segment1 ,
  msib.description ,
ORDER BY msib.segment1 ;

Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials Tables:

CM_ACER_MSG The Actual Cost Process Error Message Table will provide the user a list of inconsistencies found during the actual cost process. These error messages will be used by the OPM  user to evaluate performance and accuracy of the process and if 
CM_ACPR_CTL The Actual Cost Process Control Table will allow the OPM user to communicate with the Actual Cost Process as it is running in the background . Using this table, the user may also review past runs and also if necessary force the process to a
CM_ACST_LED Actual Costing Ledger Table. The purpose of this table is to serve as a depository of all actual costing transactions.  These transactions may originate from Production Batch details (pm_matl_dtl) or POC resource details (pm_oprn_dtl) or Pu
CM_ACST_LED_EFC Shadow table of CM_ACST_LED for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_ACST_LED that are to be converted tothe  Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_ACST_LED and
CM_ADJS_DTL The Actual Cost Adjustments Details table -  contains the adjustments details required and entered for cost adjustments.
CM_ADJS_DTL_EFC Shadow table of CM_ACST_LED for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_ACST_LED that are to be converted tothe  Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_ACST_LED and
CM_ALPR_CTL Cost Allocation Process Control Table - Contains the process information such as Fiscal Year and Period, Costing Calendar and Period.
CM_ALYS_MST Cost Analysis Code Master Table.
CM_APCM_INT Interface Table that contains the invoice price information brought over from Oracle Financials. The information captured within this table is then downloaded to cm_apcm_mst table which is used by the actual costing engine to determine the 
CM_APCM_MST Invoice Interface master table for Costing - contains the invoice price information brought over from Oracle Financials.  Data is first brought over to cm_apcm_int and then after validation written to this table.   This information is used 
CM_APCM_MST_EFC Shadow table of CM_APCM_MST for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_APCM_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_APCM_DTL and
CM_BRDN_DTL Cost Burden Details - contains the Burden (Overhead) costs applied to an item
CM_BTCH_SUM Obsolete
CM_CLDR_DTL Costing Calendar Details
CM_CLDR_HDR Costing Calendar Header Table
CM_CLDR_HDR_B Costing Calendar Header Table
CM_CLDR_HDR_TL Table to store translated columns of Cost Calendar Header Table
CM_CMPT_DTL Cost Component Details
CM_CMPT_DTL_EFC Shadow table of CM_CMPT_DTL for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_CMPT_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_CMPT_DTL and
CM_CMPT_GRP Cost component Groups
CM_CMPT_MST Cost Component Master
CM_CMPT_MST_B Cost Component Master
CM_CMPT_MST_TL Table to store translated columns for Cost Component Master Table
CM_CMPT_MTL This table contains the item or item cost class specific material cost component and material analysis code.  Used by the Actual Cost Process.
CM_CUPD_CTL Cost Update Process Control Table - allows the OPM user to communicate with the Cost Update Process as it is running in the background . Using this table, the user may also review past runs and also if necessary force the process to abort. 
CM_CUPD_MSG Cost Update process error messages table - error messages found during the process.  No duplicate error messages are written.  These error messages will be used by the OPM user to evaluate performance and accuracy of the process and, if nec
CM_MTHD_MST Item Cost Methods - Cost methods are defined by the user.  Cost calculation types  for raw material and product costs are also specified for Actual Costing Methods.
CM_OPRN_SUM Obsolete
CM_REAS_CDS Cost Adjustments Reason Codes -  Reason Codes will allow the user to define specific codes to record the reason for making the adjustment. These codes will be user defined.
CM_RLUP_CTL Cost Rollup Process Control Table - allows the OPM user to communicate with the Cost Rollup Process as it is running in the background . Using this table, the user may also review past runs and also if necessary force the process to abort. 
CM_RLUP_ITM Contains the list of items for which Cost Rollup is to be run.  Will have rows only for those rollup runs that are submitted as List of Items Rollup.Regarding removal of delete_mark column between 4.1 and 11.0 releases. - OPM only selects o
CM_RLUP_MSG The Cost Rollup Process Error Message Table will provide the user a list of inconsistencies found during the process. These error messages will be used by the OPM user to evaluate performance and accuracy of the process and, if necessary, t
CM_RSRC_DTL Resource Costs
CM_RSRC_DTL_EFC Shadow table of CM_RSRC_DTL for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_RSRC_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_RSRC_DTL and
CM_SCST_LED Standard Costs Ledger.  Rows are created during the cost rollup process. It serves the purpose of a ledger on the performed cost calculations of each product. Formula and routing information is maintained within this table.  Has a detailed 
CM_SCST_LED_EFC Shadow table of CM_SCST_DTL for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of CM_SCST_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of CM_SCST_DTL and
CM_TEXT_HDR Header information for Text entered through Edit Text option
CM_TEXT_TBL_TL Costing Translation Text Table.
CM_WHSE_ASC The Costing Warehouse Association Table - allows the OPM user to build an association between costing and inventory warehouses.
CM_WHSE_EFF Costing Warehouse Effectivities.  Used by Cost Rollup Process
CM_WHSE_SRC Costing Source Warehouses - Used by Rollup process
GL_ACCT_CLS User-defined Account classes. These classes are used to classify accounts and are used for reporting purposes only. Note that this table is not used under Oracle Financials Integrated setup.
GL_ACCT_HRC This table contains the account selection priority for the companies and the account titles. These priorities are used by the GL Mapping program to retrieve the accounts for sub-ledger posting, in the order of account selection priority. In
GL_ACCT_MAP GL Account Mapping information - contains the GL Account Mapping info. The Account mappings are defined for a Company,  Account Title and attributes whose priority is >0 in gl_acct_hrc table. Note that these attributes are optional and a NU
GL_ACCT_MST Contains the Company specific Chart of Accounts. Note that in the Oracle Financials integrated setup this table is populated with Oracle Financials Accounts while entering the Account Mapping information.
GL_ACCT_TTL This table contains the system defined Account Titles.  User is not allowed to change them in OPM.
GL_ACCT_TYP This table consists of four pre-defined General Ledger account types which are used to classify accounts into four broad categories. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_ACCT_USG This table contains the user-defined Acount Usages. These codes are used for reporting purposes only. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_ACCT_VAL This table contains validation codes assignment to Accounts. The Accounts may only be auto-generated with the Accounting unit with same Validation codes. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_ACCU_MAP This table contains the GL Account Unit Mapping information. The Account Unit mapping are defined for a Company,  Organization and Warehouse. Organization and Warehouse are optional and a blank value means all value. The GL Mapping program 
GL_ACCU_MST This table contains the User-defined Accounting Units. Accounting units are Organizational units of a company such as cost centers, departments, and divisions, to be included in an Account key.  Note that with Oracle Financial integration, 
GL_ACCU_VAL This table contains validation codes assignment to Account Units. The Accounting unit may only be auto-generated with the Accounts with same Validation codes. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_ALOC_BAS This table contains the basis information for an allocation code about the items to which expenses will be allocated, the allocation criteria based upon the basis account or fixed percent, and the cost component class bucket to which the al
GL_ALOC_DTL This table contains the result of the allocation processing. The Actual Costing Process will use this table to determine the expense allocation for the items.
GL_ALOC_DTL_EFC Shadow table of GL_ALOC_DTL for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_ALOC_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_ALOC_DTL and
GL_ALOC_EXP This table contains the expense to allocate information for an allocation code. The data from this table is used for GL expense allocation processing in determining total expense to allocate.
GL_ALOC_INP This table contains the expense and basis amount computed during the allocation processing. Currently these values are being brought over from Oracle Financials and the user has the option to maintain them via a maintenance screen.
GL_ALOC_INP_EFC Shadow table of GL_ALOC_INP for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_ALOC_INP  that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_ALOC_INP an
GL_ALOC_MST Master table to store the definition of the allocation codes.
GL_CLDR_DTL This table contains the period defination for Fiscal year. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_CLDR_HDR This table contains the Fiscal Year defination for a Company. This table is not used with Oracle Financials integrated setup.
GL_CURR_MST This table contains the Currency definitions. Note that with Oracle Financials integration this table is populated with the Currency data from Oracle Financials.
GL_CURR_MST_INT This is an interface table for synchronizing Currencies from Oracle Financials to OPM.
GL_EVNT_MST This table contains the pre-defined Event codes. An event is any activity within OPM that has a financial impact.
GL_EVNT_MST_TEMP An internal table used by GL Update process to improve performance
GL_EVNT_PLC Event specific Company Fiscal Policy information
GL_EXPN_CDS_TMP Temporary table used for performance improvment in cost allocation process.  This table is populated with values from GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table.
GL_ITEM_CST Item costs for transactions.  Maintains accounting and current costs.  Component cost details are available in GL_ITEM_DTL table.
GL_ITEM_CST_EFC Shadow table of GL_ITEM_CST for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_ITEM_CST that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_ITEM_CST and
GL_ITEM_DTL Cost component detail information for the item.  Component details for the Accounting cost available in GL_ITEM_CST table.
GL_ITEM_DTL_EFC Shadow table of GL_ITEM_DTL for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_ITEM_DTL that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_ITEM_DTL and
GL_LDGR_MST GL ledgers
GL_LEDG_MAP GL ledger mapping.  Used for GL mapping.
GL_MEMO_STA Internal Table used by AR Update process
GL_MESG_TBL General ledger messages table.  Messages generated during transaction posting by Subsidiary Ledger Update process.
GL_PLCY_LGR Company ledgers
GL_PLCY_MST Fiscal policy of a company.  Fiscal policy defines the GL attributes of the company.
GL_PLCY_MST_EFC Shadow table of GL_PLCY_MST for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_PLCY_MST that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_PLCY_MST and
GL_PLCY_SEG Segments for account key segregation.  Stores the Chart of Accounts.
GL_PLCY_SYS Fiscal policy sub-systems
GL_RATE_TYP Exchange rate Classification such as daily, average, bal sheet.
GL_RATE_TYP_INT Exchange Rate Type Interface.  Used for synchronzing rate types from Oracle Financials.
GL_SETU_ERR GL mapping setup errors found during Subsidiary Ledger Update process.  Not currently used.
GL_SEVT_MST GL mapping subevents.  OPM user is not allowed to modify this information.
GL_SEVT_TTL GL mapping subevent account titles.  Account titles that are impacted by a subsystem subevent.
GL_SRCE_MST Subsystem master table
GL_SUBR_LED GL subsidiary ledger.  Liaison between subsystems and GL.  Stores all the bookings of OPM subsystem transactions (documents).  Updated by the OPM Subsidiary Ledger Update process.
GL_SUBR_LED_EFC Shadow table of GL_SUBR_LED for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_SUBR_LED that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_SUBR_LED and
GL_SUBR_LED_VAR Table for storing all types of batch close variances calculated during actual subledger run.
GL_SUBR_STA OPM Subsidiary Ledger Update process Control table
GL_SUBR_TST Subsidiary ledger test run work table.  Used to run Subledger Update process in test mode to verify the bookings before running a live Update.
GL_SUBR_TST_EFC Shadow table of GL_SUBR_TST for EFC migration.  Stores the original values of columns of GL_SUBR_TST that are to be converted to the Euro currency as a part of EFC migration.  The table consists of the primary key columns of GL_SUBR_TST and
GL_SUBR_TST_VAR Table for storing all types of batch close variances calculated during test subledger run.
GL_TEXT_HDR Table used to store text types for GL
GL_TEXT_TBL_TL GL Module Text Lines. Descriptive text for all tables in this module.
GL_UPDT_CTL The control table for OPM GL Update Process.  Only used with OPM integrated with Oracle Financials.
GL_UPDT_MSG OPM GL Update process error messages table.  Only used with OPM integrated with Oracle Financials.
GL_VALN_CDS Validation codes for account key auto-generation.
GL_XCHG_RTE Exchange rates
GMF_BATCH_REQUIREMENTS Batch  requirement details
GMF_BATCH_VIB_DETAILS Virtual incremental batch details
GMF_BURDEN_ASSOCIATION In OPM Costing, this table is where the Percentage Burden Associations are stored.
GMF_BURDEN_CODES In OPM Costing, this is where the Percentage Burden Codes are stored.
GMF_BURDEN_PERCENTAGES In OPM Costing, this is where the Burden Percentages are established.
GMF_BURDEN_PRIORITIES In OPM Costing, this is where the Percentage Burden Priorities are established.
GMF_CALENDAR_ASSIGNMENTS Cost Calendar Assignments
GMF_COST_METHOD_LEVEL Table of all cost methods that cost items at the summary level
GMF_FISCAL_POLICIES Fiscal policy of legal entity. Fiscal policy defines the GL attributes of legal entity
GMF_INCOMING_MATERIAL_LAYERS Layer data for consumption transactions
GMF_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS Supplementary table to store invoice variance amounts for Actual Costing
GMF_ITEM_GROUPS Stores the grouping of items (representative vs represented) for Summary Level costing
GMF_LC_ACTUAL_COST_ADJS This table used to store Actual Landed cost adjustments which are processed by actual cost proces for actual cost types
GMF_LC_ADJ_TRANSACTIONS This table used to store Estimated and Actual Landed Cost adjustments. This table will be populated in Landed cost adjustment import process for each LC adjustment
GMF_LC_LOT_COST_ADJS This table used to store Actual Landed cost adjustments which are processed by Lot cost process
GMF_LEDGER_VALUATION_METHODS This table contains valuation cost type of the secondary ledgers associated to the primary ledger of the Legal Entity. With SLA it is possible to create the subledger journals in draft mode for multiple cost types for comparison and simulat
GMF_LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENT_DTLS OPM Lot Cost Adjustments details table
GMF_LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS OPM Lot Cost Adjustments header table
GMF_LOT_COST_BURDENS Burden details for lot costed items
GMF_LOT_COST_DETAILS Lot Cost details table
GMF_LOT_COSTED_ITEMS Lot cost enabled items
GMF_LOT_COSTED_ITEMS_GT This table stores all items flaged as lot costed
GMF_LOT_COSTS OPM Lot Costs Header Table
GMF_MATERIAL_LOT_COST_TXNS Transaction history table for lot costs
GMF_OUTGOING_MATERIAL_LAYERS Layer data for the batch yield transactions.
GMF_PERIOD_BALANCES Period Inventory Balances for Process Orgs
GMF_PERIOD_BALANCES_GT Temporary table for Period Inventory Balances for Process Orgs
GMF_PERIOD_STATUSES Cost Period statuses for a Legal Entity & Cost Type
GMF_PERIOD_STATUSES_GT Global temporary table gmf_period_statuses_gt with on commit delete rows
GMF_PROCESS_ORGANIZATIONS_GT This table stores process organizations for temporary session
GMF_RCV_ACCOUNTING_TXNS This table stores information for receiving accounting for process organizations
GMF_RESOURCE_LAYERS Consumption Resource Layers
GMF_TRANSACTION_VALUATION Transaction Valuation table for process organizations
GMF_XLA_EVENT_MODEL This is a helper table for Accounting Pre-Processor.  This table stores the Subledger Accounting event model names that is used by the pre-processor.
GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_HEADERS This table is the SLA Extract Headers table.  The transactions for process inventory organizations are processed and all the necessary data for accounting are stored in this table.  When the SLA accounting program is run data from this tabl
GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_HEADERS_GT Stores extract headers temporarily in a Session to create events in SLA. Once events get created, rows from this table are inserted into GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_HEADERS table.
GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_LINES This table is the SLA Extract Lines table.  The transactions for process inventory organizations are processed and all the necessary data for accounting are stored in this table.  When the SLA accounting program is run data from this table 
GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_LINES_GT Stores extract lines temporarily in a Session to create events in SLA. Once events get created, rows from this table are inserted into GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_LINES table.
GMF_XLA_ITEMS_GT This table is only used in GMF Accounting Pre-Processor to store item location in the struct. Done to improve performance.
SY_EXCP_TBL Contains the errors generated by OPM GL Synchronization process for invalid data.  The exception report runs off this table.
SY_SOFT_DTL Defines tables(sources) and their attributes for use in supporting a given Third-Party integration.
SY_SOFT_MST Defines Third-Party software which has a supported interface to OPM.


Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials Views:

CM_ACST_LED_V Acquisition cost LED view
CM_ADJS_DTL_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Actual Cost Adjustments form
CM_APCM_MST_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Invoice Price Maintenance form
CM_BRDN_DTL_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Burden Details form
CM_CLDR_HDR_VL Language resolved view of Cost Calendar Header and Translated description table
CM_CLDR_MST_V View on period statuses & calendars
CM_CMPT_DTL_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Cost Details form
CM_CMPT_DTL_VW1 View on cm_cmpt_dtl
CM_CMPT_MST_VL Language resolved view of Cost Component Class Master and Translated description table
CM_CMPT_MTL_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Material Cost Components form
CM_RSRC_DTL_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Resource Costs form
CM_TEXT_TBL_VL CM Text table view
CM_WHSE_ASC_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Cost Warehouse Associations form
CM_WHSE_EFF_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Rollup Target Warehouses form
CM_WHSE_SRC_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Rollup Source Warehouses form
GLEX_VIEW Glex view
GL_ALOC_BAS_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Allocation Basis form
GL_ALOC_EXP_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Expenses to Allocate form
GL_ALOC_INP_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Allocation Maintenance form
GL_ALOC_MST_V View to enable master-detail relationship on Allocation Codes form
GL_SUBR_LED_VW OBSOLETE:GL Subsidiary Ledger View
GL_SUBR_TST_VW OBSOLETE:GL Subsidiary Ledger Test View
GL_TEXT_TBL_VL GL Text table view
GMF_FORM_EFF_VW Internal helper view for Standard Cost Rollup
GMF_LC_ADJ_DETAILS_V LC Adjustment details view will contain detailed information for each actual LC adjustment
GMF_LC_ADJ_HEADERS_V View used to store LC adjustments will be populated by LCM tables
GMF_LEDGER_VALUATION_METHODS_V Helper view for Ledger Valuation methods form
GMF_LEGAL_ENTITIES Internal view to retrieve Legal Entity information
GMF_LEGAL_ENTITIES_VW2 Helper view for display of Legal Entities in Costing
GMF_LOT_COSTED_ITEMS_V Helper view for Lot Costed Items Form
GMF_LOT_COSTS_V Internal View for the lot item cost details form
GMF_LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS_V Internal View for Lot Cost Adjustments
GMF_LOT_COST_BURDENS_V View for lot cost burdens form
GMF_MATERIAL_EFFECTIVITIES_VW1 This is a helper view for Item substitution for costing.
GMF_ORDER_TYPES_V View for the value set , GMF_ORDER_TYPES
GMF_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS View of Process Organization Definition Details
GMF_RESOURCE_COSTS_V Resource Costs View
GMF_XLA_ACTCOST_ADJS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Actual Cost Adjustments
GMF_XLA_BATCH_DETAILS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Batch Details
GMF_XLA_BATCH_HDR_V SLA batch header view
GMF_XLA_BATCH_RSRC_V SLA batch resources view
GMF_XLA_COST_RVAL_V View for SLA ADR sources from Cost Revaluation
GMF_XLA_CUSTOMER_V View for SLA ADR sources from customers
GMF_XLA_INVENTORY_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from inventory transactions
GMF_XLA_INV_REQ_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Requisition Transactions View
GMF_XLA_ITEMS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Item Definition
GMF_XLA_ITEM_LOCATIONS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Inventory Item Locations
GMF_XLA_ITEM_REVISIONS_V View for SLA ADR sources from item revisions
GMF_XLA_LC_ADJS_V SLA LC Adjustments view, used to display LC adjustments information in accounting events screen
GMF_XLA_LOTCOST_ADJS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Lot Cost Adjustments View
GMF_XLA_ORG_PARAMETERS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Inventory Organization parameters.
GMF_XLA_PAYABLES_INVOICES_V View for SLA ADR sources from Payable Invoices
GMF_XLA_PM_RSRC_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Resource Transactions
GMF_XLA_PM_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Batch Transactions
GMF_XLA_PO_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from purchase order Transactions
GMF_XLA_RCV_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Receipt Transactions
GMF_XLA_RCV_VENDOR_V View for SLA ADR sources from Receipt Vendor Transactions
GMF_XLA_SO_TXNS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Sales Order Transactions
GMF_XLA_SUBINV_V View for SLA ADR sources from Subinventory definition
GMF_XLA_TXN_REASONS_V View for SLA ADR sources from Inventory Transactions Reasons
GMF_XLA_VENDOR_V View for SLA ADR sources from Vendor
GML_OM_SHIP_DTL_VW OBSOLETE:Selects the OM Shipments and their related information in OPM Inventory Transactions.
IC_ITEM_LOCT_VW OBSOLETE:Used in Financials for Lots
IC_TRAN_PND_OM_VW1 OBSOLETE: Pending inventory transactions for OM view
OPM_CUSTOMERS Used for OPM customer synchronization
OPM_SITE_USES_ALL OPM site uses view
RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_V Customer transaction line view
TERTORY_VIEW Territory view

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


This document provides an overview of the template form. This form derives its importance from the fact that this form is the starting point of all development involving forms. The document highlights the importance of Template.fmb in forms development and also provides a detailed explanation of the various components of the Template form.

Figure -1 Template.fmb
Overview of the Template Form
The TEMPLATE form is the starting point for all development of new forms. The first step in creating a form for use in Oracle Applications is to copy the template form from $AU_TOP/forms/US, to a local directory and renaming it.
The Template form is unique because it contains some special libraries and triggers that render the application using the template form some standard characteristics. The components of the template form are:
⦁    References to object groups: The template form contains platform–independent references to predefined standard object groups in the APPSTAND form (STANDARD_PC_AND_VA,STANDARD_TOOLBAR, and STANDARD_CALENDAR).
⦁    Libraries: The template form contains platform–independent attachments of several libraries (including FNDSQF, APPCORE, and APPDAYPK).
⦁    Special triggers: The template form contains several form–level triggers with required code. These are responsible for standard the behavior of the form.
⦁    Predefined Program Units: The template form contains predefined program units that include a spec and a body for the package APP_CUSTOM, which contains default behavior for window opening and closing events.
⦁    Applications Color Palette: The template form contains the application color palette. This gives the forms developed using the template form the look and feel of Oracle applications.
⦁    Many referenced objects (from the object groups) that support the Calendar, the toolbar, alternative regions, and the menu. These objects include LOVs, blocks, parameters, and property classes, and so on.
⦁    The TEMPLATE form contains sample objects that can be seen as examples for the expected layout cosmetics. These samples can be completely removed from the form later as they are only examples and are not required. The following objects are the samples and can be removed:
⦁    Window: BLOCKNAME
⦁    Canvas–view: BLOCKNAME
Hence, the template form comes along with many attachments, predefined program units, and defined visual attributes as well as examples that not only give the forms that are developed using the template.fmb a standard look and feel, but also make t easier to develop forms with consistent and standard functionality.
Libraries in the Template form
As stated above, the template form contains platform–independent attachments of several libraries. These libraries are used while running the form as a part of Oracle Applications. Hence, these libraries should not be changed or modified. There are three main libraries that are attached to the template form:
Figure -2 Template Form attached libraries



Each of these libraries is explained in detail below.
APPCORE contains the packages and procedures that are responsible for the standard ‘Oracle Applications’ behavior of the forms. The forms have to support the menu, toolbar, and other required standard behaviors in compliance with oracle applications.

The Oracle Applications forms also have to display specific runtime behaviors in accordance with the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards, such as the way in which fields are enabled, behaviors of specific types of windows etc. APPCORE contains the procedures to support this standard runtime behavior.

APPCORE also contains various other utilities for exception handling, message levels, and so on.

The APPDAYPK library contains the packages that control the Oracle Applications Calendar feature. The calendar (or the date picker) is a utility that oracle apps provide to pick the dates for a date type field.
FNDSQF contains packages and procedures for Message Dictionary, flexfields, profiles, and concurrent processing. It also has various other utilities for navigation, multicurrency, WHO, etc. 23–4 Oracle Applications Developer’s Guide Procedures and functions in FNDSQF typically have names beginning with ”FND”.
Other Libraries
The template form also contains a few other libraries that are not linked directly to the template form, but are linked to the three libraries listed above. Although, while using the form it makes no difference whether the library is linked directly to template or to another library that is linked to template. These are discussed below.
CUSTOM library:
The CUSTOM library (CUSTOM.pll) is probably the most widely used and customized in the libraries attached to the template form. This library allows extension of Oracle Applications forms without modification of Oracle Applications code.

Any form goes to the CUSTOM.pll whenever any event fires on the form. Code can be written in the CUSTOM.pll with the logic branching based on the form, block and trigger on which you want it to run.
You can use the CUSTOM library for customizations such as Zoom (such as moving to another form and querying up specific records), enforcing business rules (for example, vendor name must be in uppercase letters), and disabling fields that do not apply for your site.
The GLOBE library allows Oracle Applications developers to incorporate global or regional features into Oracle Applications forms

without modification of the base Oracle Applications form. Oracle Applications sends events to the GLOBE library. Regional code can

take effect based on these events. The GLOBE library calls routines in

the JA, JE, and JL libraries.
The VERT library allows Oracle Applications developers to incorporate vertical industry features (for automotive, consumer packaged goods, energy, and other industries) into Oracle Applications forms without modification of the base Oracle Applications form. Oracle Applications sends events to the VERT library. Vertical industry code can take effect based on these events. The VERT library calls routines in various other libraries.
The JA library contains code specific to the Asia/Pacific region and is called by the GLOBE library.
The JE library contains code specific to the EMEA (Europe/MiddleEast/Africa) region and is called by the GLOBE library.
The JL library contains code specific to the Latin America region and is called by the GLOBE library.


We can use external table feature to access external files as if they are tables inside the database.
When we create an external table, we define its structure and location within oracle.
When we query the table, oracle reads the external table and returns the results just as if the data had been stored within the database.
No DML can be performed on external tables but they can be used for query, join and sort operations. Views and synonyms can be created against external tables
They are useful in the ETL(Extraction,Transformation and Loading) process of data warehouses


To access external files from within oracle, we must first use the create directory command to define a directory object pointing to the external file location

create or replace directory data_dir1 as 'c:\datadir\';
Users who will access the external files must have the read and write privilege on the directory
grant read, write on directory data_dir1 to apps;

CREATE TABLE emp_external (
empno NUMBER(10),
ename VARCHAR(20))
   ( type oracle_loader
     default directory data_dir1
     access parameters
       ( records delimited BY newline
         nologfile nobadfile
         fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed BY "'"
         missing field VALUES are NULL
           ( empno,
     location ('file.csv')

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

journal entry through SLA:

Key points of creation of journal entry through SLA:
There is a new functionality to enter subledger journals through SLA: Create Journal Entry page.
Add the function SLA: Create Subledger Journal Entry, if not available in relevant module. All the modules by default will have this function unless specifically restricted.
Very important point is manual subledger journal entry is not associated with transaction of any subledger application. Meaning we can’t transfer the entries to both Subledgers and GL without customization. This is true whether we use FAH or DRM (Data Relationship Management, which is part of Hyperion) applications.
If required to use Manual SLA Journals functionality to represent accounting treatment in legacy systems, one can use API which allows importing legacy transactions into SLA, change the accounting treatment as per Oracle EBS logic or combination and then transfer to GL.
SLA is a rule based accounting engine not a module, which sits in between Subledgers and GL. The entry that appears in SLA can be controlled or design using SLA rules. Therefore it is known as Rule based accounting engine.
Don’t use SLA: Debug% profile option, which is obsolete. Instead use profile options FND: Debug% for SLA to debug.
To transfer the subledger journal entries to GL from subledgers run the following programs

  • Create Accounting
  • Run Transfer Journal Entries to GL – conditionally required.
We can use this functionality particularly during month end reconciliation where data transferred from subledger to GL got corrupted.
Very important this is the functionality of FAH where we will use API XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PUB_PKG to load the data into this create journal entry page (see the screen shot below). We don’t need license of FAH to use this package, however.
This is another way of loading the journal entries apart from GL_INTERFACE, Web ADI or manually entering the journals.
This is particularly useful to stream line the accounting string between Oracle EBS and Legacy or third party systems, which is the basic of FAH.
How it works:
Go to Payable Module (any module can be used)
Subledger journal entry
Click Create Journal Entry
Enter Debit
Enter credit
Click continue
Select Final and Post and click finish button
System should fire journal import
Go and check in payables whether any invoice (transaction) created
Go to GL and check the result
Note the Category, which is other.
Review the journal
Click Line Drill down button
Click view transaction
Read the error message, which confirms that no transaction has been created in subledger.

Oracle Apps Intercompany Accounting in R12

Intercompany Accounting in R12:
How it happens in 11i:
In 11i, intercompany transactions used to be created when a transaction has happened between two different balancing segments. Consider a payment for 100 in Payables has happened where the balancing segment for the liability account is ‘001’ and balancing segment on the cash/cash clearing is ‘002’. For the below illustration let us know the chart of accounts has three segments Company Code, Account and Cost Center.
Acct Class                                Acct                      Credit                         Debit
---------------                            -----------              --------                        -------
Cash/clearing                          001.xx.xx                100
Liability                                              002.xx.xx                                                                 100

Since the accounting entries are not balanced by the balancing segments, intercompany lines would be created when posting happens in GL. The setup for intercompany accounts is to be done at the GL side.

R12 Intercompany Accounting:
In R12 accounting between two different balancing segments differs from how it was done in 11i in the following ways.
If a transaction has been created between two different balancing segments belonging to the same legal entity for the ledger, then intracompany lines are created for balancing.
If a transaction has been created between two different balancing segments belonging to the different legal entities for the ledger, then intercompany lines are created for balancing.

Steps for Intercompany setup in R12.
Let us assume the company codes (which is the balancing segment) ‘001’ and ‘002’ belong to two different legal entities (LE1 and LE2) under the same ledger.
We will be creating a payment with cash clearing account as 001.xx.xx and liability account as 002.xx.xx
We need to complete the below steps to ensure proper intercompany accounting entries are created for the above payment.
In the Intercompany accounts setup, two accounts need to be setup. One is Intercompany receivables account and another is Intercompany Payables account. The account for receivables should be Asset and account for payables should be Liability.
Create account ‘0010’ for the account segment corresponding to Company code ‘001’ and ‘002’ and mark the Account Type as ‘Asset’ in the qualifier.

Create account ‘0020’ for the account segment corresponding to Company code ‘001’ and ‘002’ and mark the Account Type as ‘Liability’ in the qualifier.
Create the below four accounting combinations.
Go to Accounting setup manager.

Query for the ledger
Under the setup step for the primary ledger, click on the update option for the Intercompany Accounts.
Click on define relationship for the legal entity LE1. Under the intercompany accounts section, click on Add Another Row. Give the transacting balancing segment value as ‘001’, trading partner legal entity as ‘LE2’ and trading partner balancing segment value as ‘002’.
Click on Define Accounts.
Give the intercompany receivables account as 001.0010.00 and intercompany payables account as 001.0020.00.
Note: The start date on the intercompany receivables and payables account should be before the transaction date, else Create Accounting would not be able to find the correct intercompany account.
The above steps need to repeated for the legal entity LE2.

Click on define relationship for the legal entity LE2. Under the intercompany accounts section, click on Add Another Row. Give the transacting balancing segment value as ‘002’, trading partner legal entity as ‘LE1’ and trading partner balancing segment value as ‘001’.
Click on Define Accounts.
Give the intercompany receivables account as 002.0010.00 and intercompany payables account as 002.0020.00.

Test the Intercompany Account setup:
Create an invoice ‘Test Inter1’ with the charge account as ‘002.xx.xx’ and liability account as ‘002.yy.yy’. Validate and account the invoice.
Pay the invoice using a bank account where pooled account is not enabled. The cash account setup for the bank account is ‘001.xx.xx’.
Account for the invoice. The accounting entries created for the payment would be as follows
Acct Class                                Acct                      Credit                         Debit
-------------                               -------------           ------------                  ------------
Cash                                        001.xx.xx             100
Liability                                  002.xx.xx                                                 100
Intercompany                          001.0010.00                                             100
Intercompany                          001.0020.00         100

Oracle SLA Tables

Given below are the tables to be referred when an invoice has been created in Payables and accounted either online or using create accounting program.

1. select * from xla_transaction_entities where source_id_int_1=

Few of the columns explained:
source_id_int_1 = invoice_id
transaction_number=invoice number

get the entity_id from xla_transaction_entities

2. select * from xla_events where entity_id=

Few of the columns explained:
event_status_code can be 'P' processed 'U' unprocessed etc
'P' when the accounting is done in 'Final' or 'Final Post' mode.
'U' when the accounting is done in 'Draft' mode.
process_status_code can 'D' for draft 'P' for processed etc

get the event_id from xla_events

3. select * from xla_ae_headers where event_id=

gl_transfer_status_code will be 'Y' when accounting done in 'Final' mode, where accounting
entries are transferred to GL.
gl_transfer_status_code will be 'N' when accounting done in 'Draft' mode.

get ae_header_id from xla_ae_headers

4. select * from xla_ae_lines where ae_header_id=

5. select * from xla_distribution_link where ae_header_id=

source_distribution_id_num_1 will have the invoice distribution id

Oracle Apps R12 SLA setup with example

SLA Setup in R12 with a simple example for Payables

Subledger Accounting:
SLA is a new concept in R12, where all the accounting information and rules are defined. Accounting entries generated in Subledgers are first transferred to SLA and then interfaced to GL. Hence reconciliation is already done in SLA before transferring to GL.

One big advantage in SLA is to configure rules to derive different accounting entries. Each and every segment for different accounting events could be configured to suit different business requirements which was not possible in 11i.

Liability account in payables would be defaulted from supplier site on to the invoices in 11i. If individual segments need to be different for different business, then custom programs were required. In SLA, we can set different rules to derive different segments for the liability account.
We shall see how we can derive the liability account based on one business requirement(to derive cost center based on invoice currency). We will be using the below functionalities to achieve the purpose.

Journal Line Type
Mapping Sets
Account Derivation Rules
Journal Lines Definition
Application Accounting Definition
Subledger Accounting Method

Then assigning the Subledger Accounting Method to the Ledger.
In our example we shall make use of the copy functionality provided by Oracle where ever available to derive our own custom types.

For complete definition of SLA and its components please refer to Oracle SLA Implementation guide.
The chart of accounts considered in the below example has 5 segments. Company, Cost Center, Account, Analysis, Others. Also automatic offset is enabled and set as 'Balancing' for the Operating Unit considered

Journal Line Type:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Journal Entry Setup --> Journal Line Types
Journal types are defined for a particular event class(like invoices, credit memos..) and assigned to journal line definition along with mapping sets, account derivation rules.
We shall use the Oracle seeded Journal Line Type ‘Liability with Automatic Offsets Balancing Segment’ to make our custom line type.
Open the Journal Line Types window and query for ‘Liability with Automatic Offsets Balancing Segment’.

Click on copy, give our custom name.
‘XX Liab with Automatic Offsets Balancing Segment’

Click on Conditions, it would be same as the seeded Oracle Journal Line Type

The conditions are specified to create a Journal Entry based on this Journal Line Type when certain conditions are met.
The conditions in the above screenshot mentions the Journal Line Type to be created when Automatic Offset is set to ‘Balancing’ and for different invoice types.

Our requirement is to derive the cost center based on the invoice currency code. We shall see how we can achieve this using Mapping Sets and Account Derivation Rules.

Mapping Sets:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Journal Entry Setup --> Mapping Sets
Mapping sets are used to get an output value for a particular segment or entire accounting flexfield based on input value.
Open mapping sets, click on New. Create new mapping set ‘XX Liability CC Map’.

In the input region, we have specified AP_SRS_CURRENCY valueset which will restrict the input value to valid currencies. In the output section we have selected the Chart of accounts and selected the segment as ‘Cost Center’.
In the mapping set values we have selected input value as ‘EUR’ and the output cost center.

Account Derivation Rules:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Journal Entry Setup --> Account Derivation Rules
Account derivation rules are used along with Mapping sets to derive the accounting flexfield or individual segments.
Open ‘Account Derivation Rules’, click on ‘New’. Create Account derivation rule ‘XX LIABILITY CC ADR’

Select the Output Type as Segment and select ‘Cost Center’ segment. In priorities region, give the value type as ‘Mapping Set’ and value as ‘XX Liability CC Map’ which was created earlier. Select the input source as ‘Invoice Currency Code’

Journal Line Definition:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Methods and Definition --> Journal Lines Definition
Journal line definition is used to assign journal line types for an event class or event type. This is where the Account Derivation rule is assigned to a journal line type.
Instead of creating an entirely new Journal Line Definitions, we shall make use of the copy definition functionality provided by Oracle.
Open the ‘Journal Lines Definition’. Query for event class ‘Invoices’, event type ‘All’ and definition code ‘ACCRUAL_INVOICES_ALL’.

Click on ‘Copy Definition’, give the definition code as ‘XX_ACCRUAL_INVOICES_ALL’, name as ‘XX Accrual Invoices All’. Select transaction and accounting chart of accounts as ‘Accounting Flexfield‘. Click on Done

In the ‘Line Assignments’ region disable ‘Liability with Automatic Offsets Balancing Segment‘ line type. Add the Journal Line Type Created – ‘XX Liab with Automatic Offsets Balancing Segment’.
In the Account Derivation Rules tab, select ‘All Segments’ and assign the standard Account Derivation Rule ‘Liability’. Select ‘Company’ segment and choose ‘Inherit’. Assign the Account Derivation rule created ‘XX Liability CC ADR’ to the segment ‘Cost Center’.

Application Accounting Definitions:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Methods and Definition --> Application Accounting Definitions
Application accounting definition is used for assigning Journal Line Definitions to event classes and types.
We shall use copy functionality provided by Oracle to copy the Application Accounting Definition and make modifications.
Open ‘Application Accounting Definition’ and query for definition code ‘ACCRUAL’.

Click on Copy. Give the definition code ‘XX ACCRUAL’ and definition name as ‘XX Accrual Basis’. Select the transaction and accounting chart of accounts as ‘Accounting Flexfield’. Click on done. For the event class ‘Invoices’, delete the default journal line definition assigned and assign the Line Definition created earlier ‘XX Accrual Invoices All’.

Click on validate and make sure it is validated.

Subledger Accounting Method:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Methods and Definition --> Subledger Accounting Methods
Application Accounting Definitions defined are assigned to different applications in Subledger Accounting Method. Subledger Accounting Method is then assigned to the ledger.
Open the Subledger Accounting Method. Click on New. Give the method code as ‘XX_STANDARD_ACCRUAL’ and method name as XX Standard Accrual. Select the transaction and accounting chart of accounts as ‘Accounting Flexfield’. In the Application Accounting Definition Assignment region assign ‘XX Accrual Basis’ for Payables.

The Subledger accounting method is attached to the ledger.

Create an invoice with currency code as ‘EUR’, validate and account the invoice. Check for the accounting entries created. The liability account would be having the cost center segment as ‘000000000EUR’.

Supporting references can be defined to store additional information on the subledger journal header or line level. The additional information could be transaction information like invoice type or line type, or accounting information or any supplier information etc. Supporting references can then be used for finding the subledger balance for the defined reference for a given period.

We shall see the process of creating a supporting reference and assigning it to journal line definition, creating an invoice and checking the supporting reference in the subledger journal entries after accounting. The below mentioned supporting reference is for AP Invoice Distribution Type.

Define Supporting Reference:
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Journal Entry Setup --> Supporting References
Click on Create.
Give the code as XX_DISTTYPE_SR, name as XX Dist Type SR, description as ‘Supp Ref for distribution line type’. Select ‘Enabled’ flag and ‘Maintain Balances’ which will enable us to check the subledger balance for the Supporting reference. Select year end carry forward as ‘Never’.

Click on ‘Add Detail’ in the ‘Supporting Reference Detail’ section.
Upto five details can be added to a supporting reference. Give the Code as ‘DISTTYPE’, name as ‘Distribution Type’.
Click on ‘Assign Sources’. In the search section, select application name as ‘Payables’ and source name as ‘Invoice Distribution Type’. Click on Go, in the search results select ‘Invoices’ in the Event Class Name. Click on ‘Apply’.
Assign Supporting Reference to the Journal Line Definition.
Subledger Accounting Setup --> Accounting Methods Builder --> Methods and Definition --> Journal Lines Definition
Query for the Journal Line Definition for the event class ‘Invoices’, in the journal line type select the ‘Liability’ . Go to the supporting references tab and assign the supporting reference ‘XX Dist Type SR’.
Validate the Application Accounting Definition.
Create an invoice, validate and do accounting.
Check the journal lines created.
Click on the supporting references for the Liability
Check the supporting reference details. Supporting reference has been created with Detail Name as 'Distribution Type' and value as 'Item', which is the invoice distribution line type.
Supporting Reference Balances
We can check the balances for the supporting reference in the Supporting Reference Balances. Run the ‘Subledger Accounting Balances Update’ program.
Subledger Accounting -> Supporting Reference Balances
Query for the supporting reference